Previous sTARTUp Day Speaker Contest Winner Peep-Ain Saar keynote

Peep-Ain Saar, managing partner at Arco Vara KVB, pastor, and seasoned entrepreneur, delivered a heartfelt keynote on overcoming adversity and thriving in both business and life.
The speaker contest at sTARTUp Day is a highly anticipated competition where participants showcase their speaking skills by delivering impactful and inspiring talks on various topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal growth. In 2024, Peep-Ain Saar won this prestigious contest, earning him the opportunity to speak on the sTARTUp Day 2024 stage.

"I guess I can call myself a startup guy," Saar began, reflecting on his various endeavors. "I've started a few things in my life... a few organizations, a few companies, and one church." As someone who has led both startup teams and a church congregation, he emphasized that life’s hardships extend beyond the business world. "Life can be tricky," he acknowledged, "and sometimes, we need to survive."

However, Saar didn’t limit his address to the notion of survival. He wanted the audience to see beyond endurance:
"I don’t just want us to survive; I want all of us to succeed."

His keynote revolved around three key principles, which he believes are essential for not only surviving but thriving in challenging times: the urgency of now, the importance of who, and the necessity of pause.

The Urgency of Now

Saar's first principle, the urgency of now, was born out of personal hardship. "Ten months ago, they discovered I had a brain tumor the size of a potato. I like potatoes, but not in my brain," he quipped. The surgery and subsequent challenges made Saar confront the brevity and unpredictability of life. "This moment, my friends, is all we have," he emphasized. "We don’t have tomorrow, and we don’t have yesterday."

This urgency isn't about doom and gloom but a reminder to act decisively and fully embrace each moment. "I want to shake you and break you into this urgency," he said. Too often, Saar warned, we go through life at half capacity, giving only 80% and waiting for a better time. "There is never a perfect time for anything," he stressed, urging the audience to stop postponing their dreams and decisions.

The Importance of Who

Moving beyond urgency, Saar introduced the second principle - the importance of who. No matter how successful one may become professionally, broken relationships are often the hidden cost of that success. "The road to success is covered with broken relationships...and it's not worth it."

Reflecting on his health scare, Saar shared how his diagnosis brought the value of relationships into sharp focus. "I didn’t know if I should plan for my funeral or the next ten years," he recounted. But what struck him most was the outpouring of support. "There was a line of people waiting to see me in the hospital... and the doctors were asking why so many people were visiting." The answer, Saar realized, wasn’t about his professional success but the long-term investment he had made in people.

Saar’s challenge to the audience was simple yet profound: "Maybe instead of raising another round of capital, you need to raise a round of relational capital." He urged everyone to mend relationships, forgive, and cherish the people in their lives.

"Professional success shouldn’t come at the expense of relational failure."

The Necessity of Pause

The final principle in Saar’s survival toolkit was the necessity of pause. He stressed that burnout is a real threat in the fast-paced world of startups. "Take a break before life breaks you," he advised. Recalling a moment when he realized he needed to take better care of himself, Saar described looking at a picture of himself playing with his young daughter. "I was overweight and out of shape, and I realized that I don’t just want to play with my daughter when she’s three, but with my grandkids when they’re 15."

For Saar, the necessity of pause isn't just about vacations or long breaks. It’s about finding small, daily moments of rest and reflection. "I’ve mastered finding moments that make my eyes sparkle, and my soul sing," he shared, whether it’s enjoying a sauna or walking in the forest with his dog. The goal is to avoid burnout and maintain a long-term vision of success.

A Call to Thrive

Saar concluded his keynote with a powerful message: true success is about thriving, not just surviving. "If we master these three things—the urgency of now, the importance of who, and the necessity of pause—then we won’t just survive; we will thrive."

"May you live a life that’s worth telling a story about. May you not just survive but thrive."


Are you ready to showcase your speaking skills and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs? Enter the sTARTUp Day Speaker Contest for a chance to take the main stage at one of Europe's leading startup festivals! Whether you're an experienced speaker or a rising talent with a powerful message, this is your opportunity to shine in front of a global audience. Apply now and make your mark at sTARTUp Day 2025! 

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