
In the sTARTUp Day seminars area, nearly fifty different practical seminars take place, covering topics ranging from marketing and fundraising to time management and the creation of research-intensive startups. Here are the seminars from sTARTUp Day 2024!

Conquer the Distraction-Driven Chaos in Your Workday

Urgent kills the important? Feeling like you didn’t accomplish anything by the evening, even though you were busy all day?...

Can a Workplace be Your Happy Place?

A large part of our lives is spent working – in an office or anywhere behind the screen of your...

You Have Decided to Grow Your Business – Are Paid Ads the Answer?

Anastassia Tsarenko is a Performance Marketing Manager at Bolt. She oversees and creates performance strategy for the ride-hailing vertical across...

Increase Valuation Through Strategic IP Management!

Get ready to learn what IP fundamentals savvy investors scrutinize when evaluating your startup for an investment. Seasoned IP lawyers...

.Contriber Workshop for Better Relationships (Co-Founders and Lovers Welcome)

In the seminar, we approach relationships in a straightforward way. We look at a few but essential foundations of relationships,...

FoundME LAB: I Got Funded! What Do I Do With All That Money?!

You raised the funding round! Hurray! What’s next with all that money?! We will discuss the situation where a larger...

HackThatFashion: Technology, Sustainability, Innovation

Taking place during the sTARTUp Day festival, this event is a unique convergence of technology, sustainability, and innovation within the...

How to Get to the Core of Your Brand’s Story?

Through practical exercises, we’ll work together to shape a focused value proposition highlighting your startup’s distinctiveness and making it resonate...

Intellectual Property Strategy: 101 for Startups

The importance of intellectual property cannot be overstated. In fact, it’s your startup’s most valuable asset, and an essential building...

Customer Insight Mastery: Talk to Customers Before Funds Run Out

Building successful products begins with understanding the customer and conducting market research. If you don't understand your customer and their...

Elevate Your Operations: The Power of Apple Business Manager

Find out how Apple Business Manager can help You grow Your business! Practical overview about how ABM helps You save...

Mastercard Lighthouse - how to create sustainable partnerships?

Join our workshop discussion to explore how to create sustainable partnerships between impact tech companies and the financial sector. This...

Investment Lifecycle in SpaceTech

Types of Funding; Types of Investors; Dilutive vs non-Dilutive; Overall Investment Lifecycle; Q4 Index Statistics of the industry; Sample of...

Marketing Insights from Customer Interviews

A short overview of what we've done to better understand our customers. From signup questionnaires and surveys to 2-hour interviews....

Extreme Ownership - Everything Starts With ME!

Everyone is a leader. And every problem is a leadership problem. How does that work exactly? No matter our occupation,...

Data-Driven Startup Operations: Scaleup-Ready From Day 1

This seminar is designed to guide startup entrepreneurs in setting up data-driven operations from day 1, ensuring scalability, control, and...

Funding the Future: Riding the Waves of 5G and 6G Innovation 3

One of the best inventions of the European is called cascade funding and it offers researchers and startups a financial...

The Impact Of Art In The Workplace

It is clear that art impacts people in their workplace: art promotes social interactions, elicits emotional responses, facilitates personal connection-making,...

AI and Big Data - A Matter of Life and Death?

AI and big data are an inevitable part of healthcare in the future. How will they save lives and what...

SEO for Startups In Under an Hour: a Crash Course

SEO for Startups In Under an Hour: A Crash Course" offers a quick, thorough guide to mastering SEO. Learn key...

From Lab to Launch: Mastering University Spin-off

We delve into the exciting journey of transforming academic research into successful business ventures. This event features three distinguished panelists,...

Learn to Uncover Business Challenge Root Causes: 4-Step Deepdive Mastermind Framework

If your revenue is not growing fast enough, customers aren’t staying long enough, or team members are underperforming, these are...

Pick the Fundraising Model That Suits You!

Learn the art of choosing the perfect fundraising model in this concise yet thorough session. Gain a comprehensive understanding of...

How Can You Measure the Progress of Your Deep Tech Startup?

Are you struggling to objectively assess and progress your new ideas? Our seminar on the KTH Innovation Readiness Level™ is...

Demand Creation and SEO: Fuelling Growth With a Seven-Figure Pipeline

We’ll teach you, with a Messente and Ethical case study, how to generate a seven-figure pipeline annually and sustainably by...

PR in 2024: Why Founders Can't Afford to Ignore It

Discover the potential of Public Relations (PR) in influencing your startup's fate. We will share the insights we have gained...

Designing trustworthy intelligent technologies

In this seminar, we re-think trust as a technology attribute to trustworthiness as a process of continuous collaborative learning and...

Open Innovation Academy

Online hackathon oiACADEMY April 5–Nov 30, 2024. Innovation program that has the shape of a "double helix": 1) unique digital...

Mastering Fundraising for Deep Tech & Life Science Startups

Gear up for a game-changing workshop, "Mastering Fundraising for Deeptech & Life Science Startups," with Sandra Golbreich, a General Partner...

WTH is ESG and why should I care?

ESG. Just some fancy abbreviations? Actually a lot more. The workshop is designed to demystify the concept of Environmental, Social,...

Strategizing Start-Up and SME Growth with Science Funding Instruments

Are you a start-up or a small to medium-sized enterprise seeking opportunities to leverage science funding and collaboration for moving...

Unveiling the Hidden Costs: The Price of Ignoring Employer Branding Today and Its Impact on Future ROI

Discover the hidden expenses of overlooking an employer brand today and its far-reaching implications for tomorrow's ROI. Join us as...

How to UN-FU*K your mornings?

Stop overthinking, worry and pain.How to use your body and mind to win the day. No bullsh*t. (Almost) no theory....

How to Level Up Your Fundraising Game?

Fundraising is difficult. We know. It's even more difficult when you're a first-time fundraiser and, to be honest, have no...


We are two coaches, Killu Kolsar and Sandra Vabarna. Our agency ASI ON MINUS! (loosely meaning “you are in charge...

From Local to Global. Tips and Trends to Scale Your Business Globally

Scalability is key to your start-up success. However, a successful international expansion is not an easy feat, especially for a...

Conquer the Distraction-Driven Chaos in Your Workday

Urgent kills the important? Feeling like you didn’t accomplish anything by the evening, even though you were busy all day?...

Future Benefits of a Transparent Pay System

I will be talking about the importance and benefits of a transparent pay system. For modern companies, clear, objective, and...

Deep Tech IP Strategy Bootcamp

In this intensive workshop, we will introduce a simple framework for building your company's IP strategy and action plan, to...

The Art of Listening

Join us on a journey to unlock the power of listening!In this seminar, we will explore why listening can be...

European Defence Fund and EUDIS Hackathons introduction

A budget of 8 billion euros for 2021-2027 is dedicated to the European Defence Fund (EDF) to support research and...

DiSC Personality Profiling - Develop Self-Awareness and Cooperation

At this seminar you'll receive an overview of DiSC personality types - a tool for better understanding behavioural differences between...

How to Give Feedback When Sh*t Hits the Fan

Life is not all sunshine and flowers. Stuff goes wrong. Mistakes will happen. Decisions need to be made. And sometimes...

A Short-Dive Into Empathy: Know Your Customer

By the end of the seminar, you will have gained insight on how anthropological mindset and methods give you the...

Reputation as Revenue: Strategic ORM (Online Reputation Management) and Growth Frameworks for Startups

"Reputation as Revenue" offers startups key insights into leveraging ORM and growth strategies. Learn to convert a positive online reputation...

Unlocking Success: The Magic Behind Why Your Company's Employer Brand Rocks the Business World!

Join us for an exhilarating journey into the heart of business success! We will explore the captivating essence of employer...

Funding the Future: Riding the Waves of 5G and 6G Innovation 3

One of the best inventions of the European is called cascade funding and it offers researchers and startups a financial...

Legal Due Diligence When Raising Angel or Seed Round. What to Prepare, Expect, and Organize

Join the practical workshop aiming to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective Legal Due Diligence (LDD)...

Developing products without surprising (IP) legal fees – freedom to operate made easy

FTOs made simple - How to make sure you aren’t inventing what someone else has already patented, that you aren’t...

Difficult Conversations: Brutal Honesty Without Being a Jerk

Times are tough and things need to move fast. Everyone must pull their weight. But not all do the way...

Expanding your business to the US: legal and practical aspects

What should I know about the US market? What is the best way to enter the US market? What should...
Tickets from €139


Find your perfect ticket type! All ticket types grant access to all three festival days. 

Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 29
Ϟ Day 1 on January 30
Ϟ Day 2 on January 31
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2025 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 30. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 29 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 29 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


149 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 29
Ϟ Day 1 on January 30
Ϟ Day 2 on January 31
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2025 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 30. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 29 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 29 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


139 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 29
Ϟ Day 1 on January 30
Ϟ Day 2 on January 31
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2025 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 30. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 29 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 29 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


209 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 29
Ϟ Day 1 on January 30
Ϟ Day 2 on January 31
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2025 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 30. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 29 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 29 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


209 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 29
Ϟ Day 1 on January 30
Ϟ Day 2 on January 31
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2025 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 30. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 29 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 29 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.